So now with 6 kids and little time to myself. I am starting again. I am going to try things differently and a bit the same.
Work out 5 days a week. Cardio is a must for me a MUST! 45 min a day minimum. 20 min weights. 3 days a week working on the couch to 5 km. Riding my bike when I can to get kids from school 3 times a week min.
Weigh in Monday mornings. Currently sitting WAY more than I want to be at 217 lbs. I can't believe it either. I know why too. Chocolate, cookies, crap....and eating after 8 pm.
WATER more, I drink a lot already, but need more....6 extra glasses a day, beyond the water I drink with meals.
I am tired of looking in the mirror and feeling yuck what happened!! I know that 6 kids, little sleep and activities for them and not taking care of myself is what happened. I love LOVE to bake and cook for my family. I need to be WAY more diligent and eat more slowly. I need to 1/2 my portions again, and if I am still hungry 20 minutes later I can have more...BUT I HAVE TO LEARN TO WAIT!!!!
Can I say that I have learned BAD habits from my mom...I love her to bits, but she is the one who taught me to not overly love myself, and is always on some sort of diet. I need to take things into my own hands. I looked at my self in the mirror after a shower and said. I love that I have hips, I love that my belly has carried 6 beautiful children. I love that I am a mom with strong arms, and legs to hold and carry them. I love that I do work out every day and am teaching them how to be active. I love that I make meals from scratch giving them the best I can. I am beautiful and unique. My husband LOVES ME AND ALL OF ME!!!!
I am going to do this. My baby is 5 months old now, I don't nurse a ton just holding onto the morning snuggles and nursing. I am now getting better sleep and am able to start my day after nursing him.
I can do this! I know I have been gone for a long long time in the blogging world. But I am back now and will do this!!