Monday, July 27, 2009

still sick

I have been too sick for too long now and am getting really tired of it!
My working out and eating have not been that great, but I am trying, going to get back on it tomorrow, going to try and get a way better work out in.  As long as I can sleep tonight that is.  I should just be pregnant again with the lack of sleep I am getting!  I should be doing well with a 6 month old, since he is sleeping through the night!  Wish I could too!
Night and keep at it!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

out for dinner

So last night I was out for dinner with a good friend.  We both got the same dinner and I ordered salad on the side, she got fries.  I have to say that I didn't even want fries, I really wanted the salad, since I knew the wrap was not calorie free, but yummy, I choose to eat those cals instead of the empty ones for fries.  Just a little moment in the life of losing it now!

So I think I am going to start something for ever lb that I lose I will put in a jar $5 and when I am done, I will buy myself something nice and not practical...well okay may it will be.  But I will choose what to put my weight lose money too.  I love money and watching it grow!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Weight in!!

This is my before picture taken on July 1st

So I did it, for the last week I am down 5 lbs!  WHOOOHOOO
What I did and didn't do this week.   I have been sick so not eating as much which is a good thing. I have been eating the same thing for breakfast, cherios, handful of raspberries, and milk.  I have been eating half of what I would normally want to eat, using a smaller plate helps too!
What I have not be doing is working out, since I have had a cold and can't breath that well I have taken the week off to get better and not have a head ache when I do any activity!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

belly size

Should be 1/2 of your height
so my height is 177cm, which is 88.5 cm convert to inches is 34.5 
ummm interesting, looks like I have some work to do!  Which I already knew, but it's just interesting.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Really I can do it!

So it has been a rough week, I have been sick and working out is not going to happen!  But that's okay I am eating well and since I am not that hungry I am not eating a ton.
So I am going to do it
There is a website that will tell you how much you can lose by decrease a certain amount of calories.    So mine is I am at 215, I want to be about 154 which is my healthy weight optimum, which I have not been since I was 1st married.  It will take me until September 20, 2010, that is my goal to decrease my calories by 500 a day.  Which is a pound a week.  I can do this I know I can. I have too, don't want to hold on to this baby weight too much longer!!  But a year, a year that is all.

1.  1st goal to be down 10 lbs by the end of September this year.
I will go for a pedicure or manicure once this is reached.
Each month I will lose 5 lbs

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 1

WEll today has been pretty good.
I ha a shake for breakfast
5 toquillas for lunch with 1/4 cup salsa
2 sour soothers.

I worked out for 45 mins this morning and plan on doing more this evening.  I hope that it happens actually it will happen because I need and want it to happen!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I am Finally going to really finally do it

So here I start at
215 lbs
I have had 4 kids and well it's time to start losing it for good!
I am going to keep track of what I eat and why I am eating it.  Am I board or just wanting to eat because food is so good.  I love food I love cooking and I love working in the kitchen.  I love working out and am not sure why I just can' t lose it!  Soon it will happen.

Mini goals
1. 1 day at a time
2. losing 1 lb a week is a good thing!  It's a loss right!
3. weigh in on Wednesdays