Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Start Weight 219.6

Week 4 August 2
Week 5 August 9
Week 6 August 16

Total lost 8.6 lbs in 6 weeks.  Not bad not bad at all.  Do I wish it would go faster HEACK YEAH.  Will it NOPE.  Do I want it to if I want to keep it off forever nope....
So if I keep this up in 6 weeks I should be down another 8 lbs right!

By Next August I will be at my goal weight!!!

So how have I been since the last time I wrote in.  good.  Great actually.  The kids and I have been having a great time.  It's been so much fun.  I am enjoying having them home and will miss them like crazy when they go back to school.  The big ones help sooo much with the little ones!

I am eating more veggies which is great in the morning with my eggs I do a ton of veggies.

I am doing great with water most days!

Eating better, still some days I crave CRAP and others I am good.  I need to lay off a little bit more and know it will be ok to have small amounts and not keep going and thinking oh well, I blew it anyways, and keep going...NOPE not allowed anymore!!!

Be back soon

Friday, July 19, 2013

Week 3 of WW.

Week 1 Starting weight on their scale
Week 2 weigh in
-3 lbs
Week 3 weigh in

What happened.....
The first week I did great, eating my 35 points and doing lots of activity, not eating all those points and not NOT going into the extra 49 points.  I have also just been on the last few feeds for my little one....

The second week was 'hell' so to speak.  Headaches, shoulder pain, and eating CRAP, made a cake and guess what it was soooo good, but I couldn't stop myself with it right in front of me.
I have crap food in the house, and well if it's not in direct eye contact I don't see it, out of sight out of mind really works for me.  IN plain view NOT SO MUCH AT ALL!!!!

So since starting I think this works, I think I need to pay more attention and not make cake!!  Really my daughter did, so it's her fault right for my lack of self control....right....

If I say in my head something won't taste very good I won't eat it.  Like the rice crispie squares I made the other day, well I tried a little as I put them into the pan and didn't like the taste, so guess what I didn't have an more. :) yeah me right, so that was a good thing this week....
Other than that it's been a crapy time with food and feelings.  I am done nursing now, but am still filling and feel full, not painful, but full.  My body is just finishing that process.  Makes me a little sad, but happy once that is done I should be in better shape to lose again.  Since I hold onto EVERYTHING (almost) well nursing.  My activity was ok last week, but just ok.  I feel nauseous and sick and like I should get my period but didn't, sorts of feelings.

My GOALS this week
Eat more Veggies (fruits no problem, but Veggies....)
Drink more water (I love to drink but feel like this has not been as good this last week)
Eat 1 square of chocolate each day, if and only if I had a good day, staying in my points working out ect.
If hungry at the end of the night and need something don't unless I have extra to have a protein shake or something (2 points)

I think that is good for the week, I hope to be checking in next week again.  I know I am horrible...but how do you find time to just sit when you have so many kids right!!

I just finished throwing a ball with my oldest, love it :)  Now back outside to play with the kids before I come in to make some dinner :)

Have a happy healthily week

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Trying again....and again!

So now with 6 kids and little time to myself.  I am starting again.  I am going to try things differently and a bit the same.
Work out 5 days a week.  Cardio is a must for me a MUST!  45 min a day minimum.  20 min weights. 3 days a week working on the couch to 5 km.  Riding my bike when I can to get kids from school 3 times a week min.
Weigh in Monday mornings.  Currently sitting WAY more than I want to be at 217 lbs.  I can't believe it either.  I know why too.  Chocolate, cookies, crap....and eating after 8 pm.
WATER more, I drink a lot already, but need more....6 extra glasses a day, beyond the water I drink with meals.
I am tired of looking in the mirror and feeling yuck what happened!!  I know that 6 kids, little sleep and activities for them and not taking care of myself is what happened.  I love LOVE to bake and cook for my family.  I need to be WAY more diligent and eat more slowly.  I need to 1/2 my portions again, and if I am still hungry 20 minutes later I can have more...BUT I HAVE TO LEARN TO WAIT!!!!

Can I say that I have learned BAD habits from my mom...I love her to bits, but she is the one who taught me to not overly love myself, and is always on some sort of diet.  I need to take things into my own hands.  I looked at my self in the mirror after a shower and said.  I love that I have hips, I love that my belly has carried 6 beautiful children.  I love that I am a mom with strong arms, and legs to hold and carry them.  I love that I do work out every day and am teaching them how to be active.  I love that I make meals from scratch giving them the best I can.  I am beautiful and unique.  My husband LOVES ME AND ALL OF ME!!!!

I am going to do this.  My baby is 5 months old now, I don't nurse a ton just holding onto the morning snuggles and nursing.  I am now getting better sleep and am able to start my day after nursing him.

I can do this!  I know I have been gone for a long long time in the blogging world.  But I am back now and will do this!!


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hiking with the family

Yesterday we decided LAST minute to head into the mountains and go on an awesome hike with the family.  It was busy.  Since we usually do things in the winter when it's slow.  But the kids did awesome and we were able to hike what we did in the winter again and see it in the new season of summer.  I have to say it was way scarier of a hike in the winter with all the snow and ice, but way cooler end point.  But in the summer the falls are flowing and it's still breath taking!  My 3.5 year old did the 5 + KMs no problem.  We aren't hard core when we have the little ones, but they kicked butt!

My week has been good.  I am back today with a workout after taking some time of last week due to 'stress' aka shoulder pain.  It felt good to sweat it out this morning a bit.  Wish I could get up earlier...maybe I will work on that this next week!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Been awhile again

I wish I were more consistent, but I am not....
So since I last wrote I have to say that I have done well.  However I am now pregnant again.
YEAH!  But it's funny how ever time that I get the weight to start coming off, I get pregnant again!
We are totally excited about it.  But I still want to make sure that I don't go too crazy.  I have gained back about 10 lbs of my lose now, but am about 18 weeks, so doing ok.  I hope to not gain more that another 15 lbs.
The 1st 3 months were not great.  I was sick for most of it, but still pushed though on my work outs.  I am still VERY tired all the time. I guess that's what happens in the summer with all the kids at home!
We are having a great summer, we are enjoying being outside and having fun.  The kids are in the pool all the time.  The weather has been great.  I do look forward to cooler days so I can get the baking and food prep done.  But I am also enjoying not doing much in the house!
I am going to do 4 workouts at least this week, last week was hit and miss, with the kids in morning activities and me not wanting to get out of bed.  Makes it hard to get a work out in.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


How do you feel about exercise?  
I personally Love it.  Even though I do it every day I sometimes wonder why I can't lose the weight that I should.  It is so important to exercise regularly.  Find things that you enjoy doing and get out there and do them!
10 reasons to exercise.
1.  It helps boost your mood.  It makes you happy, it releases endorphins that help with your mood.  Me as a mommy to a lot of little people I am so much happier when I get my work outs in.  I love doing them in the morning, mostly before the kids are awake.  It's my quite time, my peaceful, relaxing, thinking, or just plain watching crap TV time.  And I don't ever feel bad watching 1-2 hours of tv while working out!
2.  It helps with your brain.  It makes you able to remember things, and be more productive during work.  I haven't worked in years, but have friends who do.  They tell me they get tired in the afternoons, I suggested they go for a walk at lunch for 10 minutes, to get a break from the office and clear their heads, they have said this helps a lot!
3.  Stress, anyone?  I am prone to being a little stressed at times.  Most individuals are.  When working out though it helps to melt it away.  It is a positive thing to work out and melt away your stress.  The energy, the way you feel about your self when doing it and after will affect how you feel in all of your life.  For me personally, when I feel good, everyone feels good!  
4. It's not always easy to find time to Exercise, some days for sure it can be, but there is always ways you can fit it in, get up early like I do, do it with the kids on the wii or outside when the weather is nice.  Get out for family walks or hikes or bike rides when the weather is good like now :)  Every minute counts!
5. Building relationships through exercise!  What a great thing you can do for your family, your friends.  Find a buddy or your spouse.  I LOVE working out with my hubby when he is able too.  I also have a few friends who come over ever so often to work out.  It's a great time to catch up, chat and do some sweating at the same time.  It also helps me move faster, lift more, when you have that extra support!
6. It helps with disease.  I don't know about you but I would prefer to live a long and healthy life.  I am grateful that I don't have high blood pressure or diabetes, but there are a lot who do.  Being healthy in what you eat is just as important as getting exercise!
7.Eat when you exercise, you have to eat.  Every pound of muscle you gain needs food, eat to fuel your body, make good choices.  But also remember that if you don't always make the best choice not to beat yourself up.  You need to live life and have a slice of birthday cake, but be happy with smaller portions.  The other night I was out for girls night, which I LOVE, we were out for dinner, I ordered a salad and sandwich, it was so yummy, I took my time enjoyed every bite ummm so good.  I snuck a few fries from my friend and was totally happy with the 3 fries with a little gravy, so yummy, but was happy just to have those.  Then dessert came, I was full, I had a lot of water, and just didn't feel like adding that to my count.  So I passed.  My friends all ordered, but I was happy to sit and enjoy the conversation and didn't feel like I was missing anything!
8. Having your clothes fit a little better, a little looser, having more definition in your body.  Yes please!  by lifting weights and doing cardio you will get stronger.  I can now see more definition in my body, I can sprint after my children with out feeling like I will die!  I have a more positive out look and feel more confident!
9.Healhy heart.  We all need one of these to live a long life.  It's so essential.  Aerobic exercise helps build endurance by keeping it pumping for a period of time!  You aren't as tired when you fit this in to your daily activities!
10.Of course you will lose weight and feel great about yourself.  As I have mentioned above in a few of the others listed.  
When you feel good, the world feels good, and there is so much positive out there!
When you don't feel good, there is too much negative that sneaks in.  I am living where there is out with the old and in with the new.  A more happier positive momma (as my 3 year old calls me) at this house.  I want my children to have a happy life and be positive about life. 
I want to be a good example to them!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

So I am now back down after a few weeks of just holding and gaining a little.
April 25 194.6 lbs, I have learned a lot about my body in the last few weeks and need to eat more to lose more.  I have been still in the crazy mind set of if I eat I will be huge.....
It stinks that I really can't get out of that thought.  I am slowly learning... I just need to know what I am putting into my mouth that is worthy calories.  But still have a cheat every so often so that I can feel like I am not deprived, since again as soon as I say you can only have ..... I want and then eat 100's.... ok not totally true but a little.
I was so energized this morning had a great workout and am excited about the next 12 weeks.  Starting today I started a new program, I was getting board and not feeling like I was going anywhere and just needed a change!  So excited!!  If you want to know what I am up to leave me a message, if not that's cool too!