Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hiking with the family

Yesterday we decided LAST minute to head into the mountains and go on an awesome hike with the family.  It was busy.  Since we usually do things in the winter when it's slow.  But the kids did awesome and we were able to hike what we did in the winter again and see it in the new season of summer.  I have to say it was way scarier of a hike in the winter with all the snow and ice, but way cooler end point.  But in the summer the falls are flowing and it's still breath taking!  My 3.5 year old did the 5 + KMs no problem.  We aren't hard core when we have the little ones, but they kicked butt!

My week has been good.  I am back today with a workout after taking some time of last week due to 'stress' aka shoulder pain.  It felt good to sweat it out this morning a bit.  Wish I could get up earlier...maybe I will work on that this next week!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Been awhile again

I wish I were more consistent, but I am not....
So since I last wrote I have to say that I have done well.  However I am now pregnant again.
YEAH!  But it's funny how ever time that I get the weight to start coming off, I get pregnant again!
We are totally excited about it.  But I still want to make sure that I don't go too crazy.  I have gained back about 10 lbs of my lose now, but am about 18 weeks, so doing ok.  I hope to not gain more that another 15 lbs.
The 1st 3 months were not great.  I was sick for most of it, but still pushed though on my work outs.  I am still VERY tired all the time. I guess that's what happens in the summer with all the kids at home!
We are having a great summer, we are enjoying being outside and having fun.  The kids are in the pool all the time.  The weather has been great.  I do look forward to cooler days so I can get the baking and food prep done.  But I am also enjoying not doing much in the house!
I am going to do 4 workouts at least this week, last week was hit and miss, with the kids in morning activities and me not wanting to get out of bed.  Makes it hard to get a work out in.