Tuesday, December 8, 2009


I know why I am tired and feel like I am on the brink of tears!!
So my mani/pedi got rescheduled for tonight, I was sitting around waiting for her to come to my place and at 1/2 passed 7 she was suppose to be here at 7 I called and well she forgot to reschedule....oh well. At least the house is clean, well now a mess because I have been baking and cleaning, and well it never ends with 4 kids!! But that's okay. Just having an emotional day so am very much looking forward to tonight!
Do you ever wonder why people sometimes do or say the things they do? Or why a good friend is no longer a good friend? I have been thinking about that today....And well I know things and people are in your life for a reason it's just weird, how you can be such good friends and then all of a sudden people who have never spoken are good friends and leave you in the dust, even though it is because of you they even started talking....
Sometimes I feel used in friendships, and I guess am in that mode of getting rid of baggage of people who are more work than not!
Sad post, frustrating moments...thanks for reading! Back on track tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. I just went (or am still going thru the whole friends thing) In the summer of '08 DS#2 had mjor accident and it seemed as if our closest friends abandoned us... we still have little contact with them and some NOT AT ALL and it still hurts. I do agree that some friends are there for reason and others for a season... but it still hurts. And now that we have moved (only 30 miles from where we once were) we are bck in the boat of little friend contact unless we instigate it.
