Sunday, January 29, 2012

Almost the end of another month

So this past week has been brutal, I have been I have wanted to eat lots and lots of chocolate....have I, yes, has it been lots and lots, no. I have been crazing it and want it right now. Instead I had a cup of herbal tea and and sitting typing this and going to go to bed soon.
I hope that tomorrow I will have at least stayed at the same weight. I hope to have a lose but who knows.
I have been drinking lots of water.
I have not eaten lots and lots of chocolate.
I have worked out everyday.
I did spend a lot of quality time with the family this weekend out of the house.
I have been trying to be more present when eating.
I did have a nice date night with my hubby at home, but we were present and in the moment.

I want a clear knowledge of why I am having a tough time with losing weight still.
I want a clear complexion. I don't think PMS helps, but still...I am not 16 any more!!!
Oh my, off to bed I go!


  1. Try to eat foods which helps prevent sweet cravings. Like foods rich in protein, magnesium and iron. Spinach and bananas is a good start. To fulfill the sweet tooth, try hot cocoa.

  2. I hear ya! I am only a bit away from 40 and some days I look more like a teen with my skin!
    Just stay on track with your foods and exercise and most of all attitude and it will come! I am just beginning to see the light in this journey! I started losing this last few weeks after staying focused! Really hoping it is the new trend for me... after 5 years of nothing!
    Keep it up!

    1. I know what's up with the teen skin!! Oh well, It's clearing up a bit. Keep up you great work too!!
