Monday, April 12, 2010

no carbs after 3 pm??

So I am going to be starting a few things to jump start my diet again...since I am not losing right now and well am getting a little frusterated.... I went to my naturalpath today and she suggested that for the next week that I don't eat carbs after 3 you have for dinner than??? If anyone has some food that they losve to eat and ways to make it better let me know!
Also no fruit after breakfast...
So I am thinking....what?!? I can't do it but I must....So I am going to track and figure out different ways to cook veggies and have salads to make me want to eat them more....
More water too a goal.
more veggies
less carbs and none after 3pm...
oh boy oh boy...
And I like Jodi's idea about doing 10 more mins of exercise and eating 100 cals less in a that too is going to come into my life now. I have started the extra 10 mins and it's great. I am still trying to do the running thing, but I just don't enjoy I am in the 5th week still and just redoing it do feel confident to go on to the next set. I do enjoy though walking at a 15 incline on the treadmill at 4.2, and I find in 30 minutes I can burn almost 450 cals which I think is pretty good...I would like to start doing my work outs earlier in the morning and possibly again in the evening but we shall see if I can get out of bed....

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