Saturday, April 3, 2010


I hope that whom ever still reads my blog has a Very Nice Easter and is enjoying family and friends!
We are busy with family this weekend and have enjoyed spring break. looking forward to the routine again.
This next week I am going to get up before the children do and get in a really good work out in, I have been lacking a little in the past little while not feeling like I am giving it my all. The running has been going ok. I am not a runner, so I am redoing some of the program to strengthen up in hopes to be able to go longer.
April Goal
To wake up at 6:30 to work out
To lose it, since I am staying the same and it is driving me nuts, I need to push past this and lose, I want have need deserve to be 190 by the end of the month.
Drink more water yet again, I do do well then forget a little, then do well again and forget! I have to stop forgetting!!!

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Easter!
    Keep up the hard work and it will pay off. Some adivce I read and am trying to incorperate to break a plateau is to really look at your daily foods and remove one or 2 items (100calories or so) and then try to add an extra 10 minutes to your exercise routine... I am cutting down to one cup of coffee in the am and no tea in the afternoon (so no sugar or creamer and milk) ... and then drink your water (i am really having troubles with this one still... lol)
    My hubby will be starting a new job (he will be home with me everyday working for the farm we live on☺) so I hope we can get into the routie this upcoming week of walking every morning together before the kids all get up!
