Thursday, February 23, 2012


Thanks Jodi
Today I was going to post something, but I will do that tomorrow!
The Rules

  1. Post these rules
  2. You must post 11 random things about yourself
  3. Answer the questions set for you in the post you were tagged in
  4. Create 11 new questions for your tagees to answer
  5. Tag them on Twitter, Facebook or your blog
11 Random Facts about Me:

  1. I love cooking and baking
  2. I enjoy volunteering a lot (with the kids school, church, and in the community)
  3. I love taking pictures and scrapbooking
  4. I have 5 kids, but never thought I would have more than 3 when I was younger.
  5. I LOVE my kids and am so happy I had as many as I have
  6. I love, love being with my hubby, I could be with him all day everyday!
  7. I love watching movies
  8. I watch a lot of TV, but usually when I am working out
  9. I love reading
  10. I am happy with where I am right now
  11. I think sometimes I say too much
Questions for you to answer:

  1. Why did you start blogging? To vent out my weight loss and the ups and downs
  2. If you could do anything without getting caught, what would you do? Read or watch TV
  3. What is your favourite part of the day and why? Lunch time, when I get to see all my kids and then after they go to bed when I get some me time and hubby time.
  4. What moment would you like to re-live? Getting married
  5. What is your favourite comfort food? Chocolate
  6. What would your perfect holiday look like? All my family gathered around, lots of laughing, games, hiking, playing, good food.
  7. Regular cell phone or smart phone? iPhone :)
  8. Best feature? my smile so my hubby says
  9. Where do you see yourself 1 year from now? I see myself down to the happy weight, doing more with my children and creating memories.
  10. What song describes your life? Hedley, Invincible
  11. Why is it that?(see above question) Just coming along way after being somewhere that you didn't want to be. coming so far in life. Since HS I have grown so much and I am happy where I am right now. I have made some mistakes, but where I am is where I want to be!
Now I am tagging, well I don't know who really reads my blog besides Jodi! So if someone wants to answer the same questions I did they are more than welcome! Just leave a comment letting me know if you do!

1 comment:

  1. I found doing this posting fun and very challenging! So glad you did it too! Nice to 'meet' you! :-D
